Also, Serenade melancolique; Bruch: Scottish Fantasy. Arthur Grumiaux,
violin; Jan Krenz and Heinz Wallberg, New Philharmonia Orchestra. PentaTone
Classics SACD 5186-117.

I have always
thought of Arthur Grumiaux as a rather sedate violinist, a refined and cultured
gentleman seldom given to flights of fancy or overt showmanship. Thusly does
his 1975 recording of the Tchaikovsky
Concerto strike me, a classic example of allowing the music to speak for
itself. For comparisons, I had on hand two other skilled exponents of the bow
whom I highly admire, Perlman and Heifetz, both of whom are more outwardly
showy and energetic in the work. Well, there’s no denying that Tchaikovsky
requires both technical virtuosity and a strong degree of passion, and I don’t
mean to imply that Grumiaux hasn’t qualifications in either department. There
is emotion in every note he plays. It’s just that his appears to be a more effortless
passion than the others display.
Perhaps the man
expressed his relaxed and sensitive approach to music making even better in the
disc’s companion piece, the Bruch Scottish
Fantasy, where Grumiaux allows the often-lyrical and rhapsodic folk tunes literally
to soar. It is delightful.
The sound, which
Philips recorded originally in four channels but made heretofore available only
in two-channel stereo, is, like the performances, easygoing, warm, and slightly
soft in its two-channel presentation, even in its SACD layer played back
through a Sony SACD player. I found this especially apparent in the comparisons
I made, the Perlman on a Chesky gold remastering, the Heifetz on one of JVC’s XRCDs. Both Perlman and Heifetz
sounded noticeably more focused and precise, with better orchestral depth. I’m not suggesting, however, that
there is anything wrong with the PentaTone sound, and, indeed, many listeners
may prefer it to the more analytical presentation on the Chesky and JVC discs.

A final concern: Why
buy PentaTone? They make hybrid SACDs containing a multichannel layer (from 3
to 5.1 channels) and a regular two-channel layer. They produce some recently
recorded work and some older, quadraphonic pieces. And, as I say, they are
capable of holding up to 5.1 channels. But since Philips recorded the
Tchaikovsky and Bruch in four channels, not five-point-one, the record company
chose to keep it that way rather than try to synthesize a center channel and/or
create a separate bass. I’d say if you have the capability of playing things
back in the Super Audio CD format, PentaTone offers that distinct advantage.
Another plus is that PentaTone probably mastered even the regular stereo layer
to disc as well as it could be. I found the sound reasonably quiet, and, slightly
soft or not, still quite natural and pleasant.
Then there’s a final
reason for considering this particular PentaTone release: As far as I can tell,
no one but PentaTone is still making the performances available new (although
one can certainly find used Philips copies available). In any case, it’s a disc
worth looking into.
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