Various works and artists. FIM SACD029.

There is no doubt
that FIM, First Impression Music, is first and foremost an audiophile label.
Its president and producer, Winston Ma, is a dedicated audiophile for whom
sound is everything. Fortunately, he is also a music lover and recognizes good
music. Therefore, the contents of his discs must not only sound good, they must
be worth an enjoyable listen.
The Audiophile Reference IV disc is a Super
24-Bit hybrid SACD, meaning the folks at FIM have done it up in one of the premier
processing modes around, and because it’s a hybrid disc, you can play it on an
SACD player or on regular CD player. As the album’s title implies, it contains
bits and pieces of audiophile material, much of it taken from FIM’s catalogue
of XRCD material, the kind of stuff that dyed-in-the-wool audiophiles sit
around and listen to when they’re not talking over the top of the music. I’m
not really keen on these kinds of compilations because there is never enough of
any one thing to interest me, but when we get the kind of sonic results heard
here, it’s hard not to want to see what new delights are around the next
corner. Kind of like popcorn; you can’t just eat one.

There are sixteen
tracks on the disc, comprising over seventy-five minutes of music. Selections
include everything from classical to jazz to folk, but thankfully no hard rock
or rap. Among the highlights for me were Saint-Saens’s lovely “The Swan” from
Carnival of the Animals; a
composite group of tunes and noises on “Olde London”; a traditional Chinese set
of variations called “Yang City”; excerpts from Handel’s
Messiah; and Pachelbel’s
in D done by a percussion ensemble. Well, everyone else has done it on
every other kind of instrument, so why not percussion.
The sound in each of
the numbers is outstanding, particularly in terms of timbre and clarity. At
times, I felt that maybe a piece was a bit too forward or too aggressive, but
after a moment’s listening I usually found it sounded, in fact, just right. The
only direct comparison I was able to make was with the live recording “High
Life,” featuring Swedish sax player Arne Domnerus; it’s a selection FIM
remastered from the celebrated Proprius disc Jazz at the Pawnshop. Comparing the FIM version with an original,
first-generation pressing of the Proprius disc, I found the Proprius sounding
maybe a bit brighter, the FIM sounding deeper, smoother, and more naturally
balanced. That they did not sound more alike, though, was probably my biggest
surprise; I hadn’t expected such a difference. In any case, the FIM was mighty
good and sounded remarkably real.
To hear a brief excerpt from this album click here:
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