Also, Night on Bald Mountain; Khovanshchina; Borodin: In the Steppes of
Central Asia. Leonard Slatkin, St. Louis Symphony Orchestra. Mobile Fidelity UDSACD

As you know, Modest
Mussorgsky wrote his
Pictures at an
Exhibition in 1874 as a collection of piano pieces, each short work
describing a different painting or drawing by the composer’s friend, Viktor
Hartmann. Mussorgsky’s idea was to create a series of tone poems as a tribute
to the artist by depicting impressions of ten of Hartmann’s paintings hanging
in a gallery and being viewed by passersby. Mussorgsky’s music never really
impressed the public, however, until Maurice Ravel orchestrated them many years
later in the form we know them here.
Maestro Leonard
Slatkin and his St. Louis players brought these oft-recorded works to disc in
1975, but I wish he had taken more time to recreate the color and character of
each portrait. As it is, he seemed to spend more time trying to elaborate on
the beauty of the music rather than interpret the individual peculiarities of
the paintings. The various “Promenades,” for instance, seem hurried, as though
the visitors to the gallery were rushing to find an exit; the “Ballet of the
Chicks” doesn’t seem too much different from “Children Quarreling at Play”; the
“Hut on Fowl’s Legs” doesn’t have as much energy as I’d like; and “The Great
Gate of Kiev” seems to lack necessary grandeur. For a definitive rendering, compare
Fritz Reiner (RCA/JVC) and his Chicago Orchestra, where every miniature has its
own unique and vivid distinctions.
The Khovanshchina
excerpts and Night on Bald Mountain come off better, with a little more flair.
Best of all, however, is Alexander Borodin’s In the Steppes of Central Asia, which Slatkin draws out
beautifully, conveying a real sense of being in a separate place and time.

Vox originally made
the recordings in two-channel stereo and four-channel quadraphonics. Mobile Fidelity remastered them in their
Ultradisc UHR GAIN 2 series, on two layers of a hybrid SACD, meaning you can
play it in stereo on a regular CD player or in discrete four channel on a Super
Audio CD player. In two-channel SACD stereo, as I listened to it, the
Mussorgsky sounds velvety smooth and rich, with plenty of hall resonance, maybe
even a little too much.
Bass is strong, too,
as is treble when present. On the other hand, the Borodin sounds even better,
slightly clearer and more transparent. I wondered about this and then noticed
that the original cover jacket for the Mussorgsky LP lists only the Mussorgsky
works, not the Borodin. There is no mention in Mo-Fi’s booklet, but it led me
to wonder if Vox hadn’t recorded the Borodin at another time and place. I don’t
know. But it does sound very marginally better than the Mussorgsky, which in
its own right sounds pretty good.
I would guess that
this release may sound best played through a dedicated SACD system in
multichannel rather than the ordinary two-channel stereo I heard. Although I
wasn’t bowled over by Slatkin’s rather conservative interpretations, I’d say if
you have a multichannel SACD system, you might want to try and sample the
To hear a brief excerpt from this album, click here:
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