Gerry Mulligan,
baritone sax, with Jane Duboc, vocals; Jazz Brazil. FIM Lim UHD 074 LE.

Before actually sitting down to listen to this album
critically, I probably heard it all the way through about half dozen times as
background music. You see, around Christmas time the Wife-O-Meter discovered it
sitting on the audio cabinet among a dozen other things waiting for review, and
she thought it might be perfect dinner music for guests we had coming over. She
fell in love with the Brazilian jazz album
and played it again and again whenever we had company. So, by the time I did
got to listen to it attentively, it already felt like an old friend.
Legendary jazz saxophonist Gerry Mulligan (1927-1996)
seemed like an old friend, too. He was playing “cool” jazz when I was a kid
growing up in the Fifties. He made Paraiso
in 1993, near the end of his career, for Telarc Records, and it became one of
his most-popular albums (although I admit
I had never heard it until the present remaster). According to jazz
critic and broadcaster Neil Tesser in a booklet note, “Gerry Mulligan discovers
Brazil? That might seem an appropriate title for this, his first recording
devoted to the richly flavored, intoxicating music that came stateside three
decades ago and decided to stay. In the spirit of that most famous
Brazilian-U.S. collaboration--between Jobim and Stan Getz--this one finds at
its heart a surprising singer and a saxophonist of uncommon invention. Yet on Paraiso (Portuguese for Paradise), the
partnership extends even to the compositions themselves: true American hybrids
of North and South, for which the legendary jazz man himself wrote the melodies
and Brazilian vocalist Jane Duboc concocted the lyrics.”
In addition to Ms. Duboc, a number of others join Mulligan
to make the album come to life: Emanuel Moreira, guitar; Waltinho Anastaeio,
percussion; Charlie Ernst, piano; Leo Traversa, bass; Peter Grant, drums;
Norberta Goldberg, percussion; Cliff Korman, piano; Rogerio Maio, bass; and
Duduka DaFonseea, drums. Together, they make beautiful music.
The songs all have a fine Brazilian atmosphere to them,
with persuasive elements of bossa nova, samba, and chorinho (“little lament”),
and while I couldn't understand the Portuguese lyrics, it didn't matter; the
music's the thing. (The booklet notes do provide translations, but then they
qualify the translations by saying they didn’t intend them as English lyrics. I
guess the words don't translate well or go with the music or something.)

Anyway, the merging of Mulligan's soft, mellow sax, Ms.
Duboc's fluid, honeyed voice, and the music's sweet, lyrical rhythms is hard to
resist. Interestingly, even when the music is upbeat and swinging, there's a
touch of melancholy one cannot miss (perhaps that “little lament” influence).
It gives the tunes a slightly nostalgic, though never sentimental air, tinged
with a warm, golden, nuanced glow. It's no wonder the Wife-O-Meter fell in love
with the disc.
Incidentally, I had meant to point out a few numbers I
liked best, but ultimately I couldn't make up my mind; they were all
impressive. There are eleven tracks on the album, each selection lasting from
about four minutes to a little over eight, some sixty minutes’ worth in all. It
makes for a great hour.
As always, FIM do up the package in a hard-cardboard
foldout container, with bound notes and an inner bound sleeve for the disc,
which gets further protection via a static-proof, dust-proof liner.
Producers John Snyder and Gerry Mulligan, recording
engineer Jack Renner, mix engineer Michael Bishop, and executive producer
Robert Woods originally made the recording for Telarc Records in July 1993 at
Clinton Recording Studios, Studio A, New York, NY. Producer Winston Ma, mastering engineer Michael Bishop, and
Five/Four Productions combined to remaster the recording in 2013 using 32-bit
UltraHD technology and FIM’s PureFlection replication process.
The relatively small size of the various instrumental
groupings participating in the music making lends itself to a fairly
transparent sound, yet one with plenty of ambient bloom to provide a realistic
feeling of being there with the musicians. What's more, there is a genuine
sense of dimensionality involved, with air and space around the instruments.
The sax sounds always mellifluous and sometimes mournful; the vocals are
perfectly natural at all times; and the percussion, especially, appear vivid
and taut. Factor in a smooth overall response, wide frequency extremes, and a
strong dynamic impact, and you get a vivid, lifelike sonic experience.
More good news, especially for audiophiles who enjoy the sound of vinyl: Producer Winston Ma and First Impression Music have made Paraiso available on LP, mastered by the same award-winning engineer, Michael Bishop, who did the original recording. Knowing FIM, the sound cannot be anything but terrific.
To listen to a brief excerpt from this album, click here:
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